Boruto Manga Chapter 4

Boruto Manga Chapter 4 Colored  


Boruto Manga Chapter 4 Summary

Shikamaru came to Naruto’s office and told him that his children had entered the next stage of the Chuunin Exams and they would be competing against each other in the next stage. Naruto celebrated after Shikamaru left. Naruto encountered Sasuke, who was waiting to crack Kaguya’s letters. Naruto admitted to Sasuke that he was studying Boruto when Sasuke turned around. Sasuke asked Boruto if he told him and Naruto replied that it was Konohamaru. Naruto confirmed Sasuke’s previous statement that the nature of Shinobi will never change. At home, Boruto is congratulated by his mother and sister for passing the next stage of the exam. He thanked them, told them not to bother with dinner, and went back to his room. Boruto was thinking about his little hands when there was a knock on the door. Boruto turned off his instrument and explained what he said, but Naruto was surprised. Naruto congratulated Boruto, referencing Shikamaru’s previous words that “important things need to be said in person.” Naruto tries to fight Boruto and tells him not to fall in love with Shikadai. Boruto was amused by these words, but did not stop opening his hands. Naruto instead punched Boruto in the chest and said he would follow him. After Naruto left, Boruto tried to imagine the situation for himself, but he laughed and cried at the same time. Naruto was in his office looking through his old clothes.
On the day of the third period, Li was in charge and explained how the game would be played. Boruto is in competition with Yurui. The two of them punched each other a few times, and Yu Rui started throwing punches. When the smoke from the first explosion cleared, Yurui covered the area with more bubbles. Knowing that his father was watching, Boruto almost used the shuriken technique he learned from Sasuke, but at the last moment he decided to use his little hand to throw a special shuriken, which appeared to come very close, causing the balloon Rui had created to blow up. . broke in his face. . . Sarada and Mitsuki noticed the tension in the audience. In other competitions; Sarada defeated Tarui, Shikadai defeated Yotsuchi, Mitsuki defeated Torii, Araya defeated Inojin, and Maki defeated Machi. In the next round, Boruto fights Shikadai, who tries to stop Boruto’s clone business. Boruto almost fought back, but at the last moment, Shikadai spread his shadow over a wide area along with Boruto and all his clones. Determined not to lose, Boruto produced several smaller forms from his small hand, creating more clones that were out of Shikadai’s reach. Naruto saw the scroll. Shikadai lost because he didn’t want to fight any more clones. In the audience, Temari, Sakura, and Ino remember Shikamaru’s victory in his battle with Temari. Katasuke tells his men they will take action soon. Naruto stood up with an angry look on his face. Sasuke took the contents of the broken paper and immediately went to tell Naruto that the exam had to be postponed. Naruto jumped out of the arena. Boruto tries to hit him but Naruto grabs his hand, shows his little hand and asks Boruto what happened. Kinshiki and Momoshi flew to the playground, Kinshiki felt a lot of chakra gathering and Momoshiki saw Naruto’s Byakugan and Kurama’s chakra.

 Boruto tries to prove that he can be good at being called Konohamaru and steals the scroll from Konohamaru. Boruto tries to summon a creature and fails; Sarada points out how stupid Boruto is. Boruto quickly learns the rules of summoning, as a contract must be made with an animal. The boy and girl talk about what they want to name, which leads to an argument between the boy and girl because the boy wants a reptile and the girl wants a cute animal. This leads to another discussion. Although Shino tried to step in and stop the tension, it was clear that a line had been drawn between the boy and the girl.

Sarada comes in and scolds Boruto to stop causing trouble because their class has been named the least problematic class mostly thanks to Boruto. Tempers flare between the boys and girls, especially between Sarada and Boruto. Even the priest didn’t know what to do.

Anxiety increases during lunch. Boruto and Sarada come to the restaurant and ask for the same thing: Yakisoba bread. Unfortunately there is only one. Boruto always had one, but today Sarada wanted one. I’m not sure if this is intentional or not. So why is there only one fried noodle? ChoCho bought them all.

Sarada manages to catch the last one when Boruto intervenes. This leads to a heated argument between Sarada and Boruto. It looked like they were going to have a real fight until Shino intervened. She started to get tired of the tension and fights between girls and boys. He said he created a war in which both groups could solve their problems once and for all. The winner will be able to command the other team.
War is their subject and the goal is to raise the flag to the top of the school by any means possible. This is a ninja inspired capture the flag game, but this capture the flag game also features a school gun. Boys and girls waste no time following the flag. We see boys and girls fighting and fighting in hilarious scenes. Boruto leads a group of boys, including Inojin, Shikadai, and Denki, while Sarada and ChoCho lead two different groups of girls.

Needless to say, the antics are really funny and the kids do dirty tricks like Inojin. Place a large, monstrous frog behind the girls. Iron Lee blocked the shuriken thrown at the children, but was hit by Sarada’s superior shuriken throw.
Eventually a group of young men (Boruto, Inojin, and Shikadai) stay behind to fight against a large group of women led by Sarada and Jojo. The kids hide in a room full of notes while they formulate a plan. Meanwhile, the girls are separated and locked up. While Ino and Shikadai distract the girls, Boruto’s clone throws Boruto and his summoning scroll onto the roof. ChoCho also went to the roof with Sarada and went to get the flag.

Boruto calls the animal from the letters, but he doesn’t know what it is. The so-called Rescue Bridge came out of the roof. Boruto gives up on the idea of ​​capturing the flag and steps in to save Chocho with the help of Ino and Shikadai. The summoned creature is a huge wild animal similar to the one we’ve seen several times. He is a dark creature with red eyes and a snake tail.

Boruto apologizes to ChoCho for putting him in danger, and the rivalry between the girl and the boy appears to have diminished. Funny enough, the girls emerged victorious, with the most unlikely girl, Sumire, capturing the flag.

The episode ends with Shino gathering her class outside of school and giving them words of encouragement and support. Due to the damage caused by this class, the Academy had fallen behind them. It was very interesting how Shino tried to encourage his students. Finally we saw the silhouette of a child on the roof overlooking the classroom. Who is this new kid staring at them?

The most anticipated confrontation between Boruto and Code will take place in this episode. The last episode ends with Boruto introducing his new Rasengan Uzuhiko form. In this episode we will see his full form and powerful features. What Boruto and Eida tell throughout the episode reveals the mysterious workings of the Rasengan. Boruto successfully performed this move on Code, who was pushed away by an unknown jutsu.

As Boruto continues to ask Code to take him to the Ten-Tails, Code begins to sweat and stops breathing, unable to move because he was shot by Uahiko. When this attack intensifies, Kawaki joins the fight against Boruto. The two engage in an awkward conversation, and Cord takes the opportunity to flee the scene.

But Boruto marks Cord with a pigeon to spy on him and confirm the Ten-Tails’ location. Sarada mentions the sacred tree created from the ground deep inside, not forgetting that Shikamaru killed Kawaki to fulfill the law.
Now that the rules are out of the way, Boruto may finally face Kawaki and their battle could be the highlight of the next episode. We can expect to see more of his adaptive abilities after the time jump. We also hope Boruto won’t fight Kawaki and go to the Ten-Tails’ house.

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