Boruto manga chapter 58, titled ‘The Right Job’, brought the focus back on the good guys. We saw Boruto and Naruto have a serious conversation. And Team 7 decided what to do next.
The fandom’s been waiting to see Boruto’s reaction to being offered the Otsutsukification suppressing pills. Turns out, we didn’t have to wait long. ‘The Right Job’ opened with Naruto telling Boruto about the pills and the numerous side-effects that could occur. I felt for Naruto during that particular scene. He doesn’t know how to help his son. This was a situation where Naruto’s immense strength was useless.
Many fans had predicted Boruto would be willing to take Amado’s pills and that’s exactly what he did, to Naruto’s surprise. Our young hero was quite quick to pop one in his mouth even after learning about the possible side-effects (which included losing eyesight and even dying). I understood Boruto’s decision, though. He’s not the type of character to live his life in fear. At this point, Boruto’s ready to do a lot to keep Momoshiki at bay because the alternative would mean the destruction of the entire world.
As far as my opinion goes, I don’t trust Amado. Even if his pills are somehow able to slow down Momoshiki’s ability to take control of Boruto’s body, I still think Amado’s planning something. He’s working an angle and I think Sumire will be the one who figures it out first.
‘The Right Job’ also showed Kawaki’s reaction to Boruto taking the pills. In Kawaki’s mind, both of them need to defeat Code and give him Boruto’s Karma Mark. However, Boruto wasn’t into such a plan. Even though Code’s a dangerous villain, Boruto won’t sacrifice Code to get rid of the Karma Mark. That’s just not who he is as our lead, much to Kawaki’s disdain.
I do think the primary goal of ‘The Right Job’ was to make it clear a rift was forming in Team 7. Kawaki’s different from the rest of the team. In Kawaki’s world, power matters the most and you can’t rely on someone else to complete a task for you. Even though Jigen put him through hell during his training sessions as a kid, Kawaki was able to grow stronger because he wanted to be powerful enough to one day kill Jigen.
Yes, Kawaki’s thought process made me remember a young Sasuke making it his goal to kill Itachi to avenge the Uchiha Clan. Frankly, I’m not interested in Kawaki becoming Sasuke 2.0. More on that in a bit.
Kawaki’s aware ninja training, such as learning how to better control chakra, was important, but they’re running out of time. Team 7 doesn’t have five or ten years to train and become better ninjas because Code could attack at any moment.
I enjoyed seeing Kawaki’s impatience annoying his teammates. The confrontation led them to realize that when it came to handling Kawaki, you need to use your fists before he’s ready to listen to your opinion. Naruto and Konohamaru also got to know Kawaki better a bit better as they observed the young ninjas address their feelings through a very intense sparring match.
Of course, Kawaki lost to Boruto. And that’s when he agreed to work as a team. However, coming back to him becoming another version of Sasuke, the closing panel featuring Kawaki remembering his (now lost) Karma Mark disappointed me.
The main story in Naruto was Naruto’s goal of bringing Sasuke back to the good side by making Sasuke realize that following the path of revenge wasn’t right. The narrative also involved Sasuke learning to trust his friends and opening up to love.
In ‘The Right Job’, we saw Boruto tell Kawaki to lean on his teammates and not carry the burden of fighting the Kara organization alone. Boruto also assured Kawaki it wasn’t his fault they got involved with the Kara organization in the first place.